fuel treatments



5M treated acres per year

US Forest Service is aiming to treat 5M acres/year of forest in the Western United States.


Fuel treatment reduces megafire

Fuel treatments (like mechanical thinning & prescribed burns) protect forests from wildfires.


Today, we treat 1.2m acres/yr

Federal and state agencies treat about 1.2M acres of forest every year.


We measure & scale treatments

We’re working with US Forest Service and state teams to measure & scale fuel treatments. is a non-profit group of concerned citizens who want to help US Forest Service & state agencies with the wildfire crisis. We’re software engineers, hardware engineers, product managers, designers, software entrepreneurs, and forest conservationists. We love rapid prototyping and building tools that will save the forest. Forest and fire ecologists have demonstrated that reducing fuel is the best way to mitigate the wildfire crisis. So, our mission is to measure & scale fuel treatments across U.S. West.

We launched in January 2022, within three months we were building software pilots for US National Forests. We couldn’t be happier! As an incubator, we research and build rapid prototypes. If you would like to volunteer or partner, please reach out.

Founded January 2022

A partner of the US Forest Service, with numerous pilots on National Forests across the Western US.

We're software engineers, product managers, designers, founders, and forest conservationists.

Our team is 70% volunteers, please reach out to join us!

Matching the urgency of the wildfire crisis, we design & ship software at rapid speed.


Ilya Volodarsky

Co-Founder, CEO

Mike Volodarsky

Co-Founder, Engineering

Jesse Parenteau

Design Lead

Join our growing list of partners

Interested in accelerating fuel treatment?